6.0 weeks is limit per Georgia state law. WE CAN HELP YOU!
Columbus Women’s Health Organization (CWHO) is a private medical abortion clinic in Columbus, Georgia.
We offer the Abortion Pill (medical abortion) to legal limit. Financial assistance is available if you must travel. Ultrasound and pregnancy testing is available.

CWHO specializes in the Abortion Pill also known as a medication abortion, medical abortion, and a non-surgical abortion.
- One visit to our facility for Medical Abortion
- State mandated phone counseling 24 hours prior to visit (at which time your appointment will be scheduled)
- Include in your fees is a post medical abortion follow-up
- We offer ultrasound and pregnancy testing
Columbus Women’s Health Organization is partnered with The Pink House Fund. If you are looking for financial assistance, visit their website or click here to learn more info.